Plasma Treated Liquid: Reactive Species and Influence on Saline Stress in Quinoa Seeds
I.C. Gerbera, S. Simonb, B. Tatarcanb, G. Mihalachea, I. Mihailaa, I. Topalab
aIntegrated Center of Environmental Science Studies in the North-Eastern Development Region (CERNESIM), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Blvd. Carol I No. 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania
bFaculty of Physics, Iasi Plasma Advanced Research Center (IPARC), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Blvd. Carol I No. 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania
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Atmospheric pressure plasma sources are increasingly used in life science, from biomedical fields to agricultural and food applications. The use of liquids as targets in plasma treatments leads to the absorption at the plasma-liquid interface of reactive species produced by the discharge. This study focuses on the optical diagnosis of a liquid-compatible plasma source (50 Hz, 15.5 kV) and correlating the physico-chemical changes in the treated liquids with the plasma operating parameters and the ability of liquids to store the reactive species long-term. Furthermore, the effects of the treated liquids on seed germination and response to saline stress were investigated.

topics: plasma physics, atmospheric pressure plasma, life sciences