The Magnetoelastic Properties of Co-Based Amorphous Alloy Under Torque Operation
M. Kachniarz
Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, św. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents the results of the investigation of the magnetoelastic properties of selected Co-based amorphous alloy subjected to the shear stress resulting from applied torque. The toroidal core, wound from an amorphous ribbon of the investigated material, is subjected to torque operation generated by the mechanical equipment. Magnetoelastic characteristics obtained for varying magnetizing field amplitude indicate that for high magnetizing fields, the magnetoelastic torque sensitivity is comparable with that of as-quenched Fe-based amorphous alloys and is relatively low. However, for lower fields, the sensitivity reaches significant values, which creates the possibility of utilization of the investigated Co-based alloy in torque sensing applications.

topics: magnetoelastic effect, torque sensing, Co-based amorphous alloy, magnetoelastic sensitivity