Impedance Cardiography - Determined Parameters and Their Application in Assisting Patient Diagnosis: A Review |
M.N. Chołuj, B.T. Śmigielski, G. Cybulski
Faculty of Mechatronics, Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, św. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland |
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Impedance cardiography is a non-invasive method for assessing the activity of the cardiovascular system. Despite some simplifications of the physical model used in the determination of several hemodynamic parameters, it is a constantly evolving non-invasive method with potential ambulatory and/or clinical applications in cardiac diagnostics and treatment support. Besides its applications in cardiology, this method might be used as an auxiliary tool in assisting the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders or hormonal imbalances. This highlights the potential importance of impedance cardiography as an area of research worth further development in terms of metrological and qualitative approaches, leading to the acceptance of this method in clinical/ambulatory practice. The review was created to present information on the results of studies conducted in recent years, which describe the current state of knowledge regarding cardiac and new areas of application for the impedance cardiography method. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.146.553 topics: impedance cardiography, pre-ejection period, Heather index, cardiac output |