Investigation of Gamma Radiation Shielding Properties of High-Z-Doped Multilayer PVA Polymers
G.B. Hirematha, V.P. Singhb, N.H. Ayachita, N.M. Badigera
aSchool of Advanced Sciences, KLE Technological University, Hubbali-580031, India
bDepartment of Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad-580008, India
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Multilayer polymers have potential applications in various fields for radiation shielding. It is quite interesting to investigate the shielding properties of polymer composites in a combined manner. In the present investigations, the high-Z-doped PVA polymers such as PVA+50%Bi2O3 and PVA+50%Na2O4W were selected, and the multilayer buildup factors were calculated for various combinations of high-Z-doped multilayer PVA polymers using the Py-MLBUF software. The PVA+50%Bi2O3 and PVA+50%Na2O4W are coded, respectively, as A and B. The BA and BBA combinations have the potential to replace a single layer of high-Z-doped PVA polymers, and these combinations can be used as gamma-ray shields.

topics: radiation shielding, polymers, multilayer shields, buildup factor