Lattice Dynamics of Altermagnetic Ruthenium Oxide RuO2
S. Basak, A. Ptok
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, W.E. Radzikowskiego 152, PL-31342 Kraków, Poland
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Altermagnetic ruthenium oxide RuO2 crystallizes with P42/mnm symmetry. Here, we discuss the lattice dynamics of this structure. We show and discuss the phonon dispersion and density of states. The phonon dispersion curves contain several Dirac nodal lines and highly degenerate Dirac points. We present the characteristic frequencies and their irreducible representations at the Γ point. Theoretically obtained frequencies of the Raman active modes nicely reproduce the ones reported experimentally.

topics: lattice dynamics, altermagnetism, RuO2, DFT