Influence of Extinction Coefficient on Electromagnetic Wave Transmission in Thin Superlattices
K.M. Gruszka
Department of Physics, Czestochowa University of Technology, Ave. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
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In this paper, the impact of the extinction coefficient on electromagnetic wave transmission in a quasi-one-dimensional thin superlattice structure is investigated. The system consists of several layers of optical materials with different densities, and the focus is put on the transmission of light through this arrangement. Using theoretical modeling via the transfer matrix method, it is found that the extinction coefficient significantly influences transmission properties. Furthermore, the impact of altering the extinction coefficient of specific layers on the overall transmission behavior is investigated through systematic variations of the extinction coefficient and exploration of how changes in the optical properties of individual layers influence the transmission spectrum and the emergence of transmission peaks and valleys. These results provide valuable insights into the design and optimization of superlattice structures for various applications, including optical devices and photonic systems enabling precise light control.

topics: transfer matrix method, UV filters, tunable, electromagnetic (EM) propagation