Formation of ZnSe Nanoclusters in Silicon Dioxide Layers by High-Fluence Ion Implantation: Experimental Data and Simulation Results
M.A. Makhavikoua, F.F. Komarova, A.F. Komarova, S.A. Miskiewicza, O.V. Milchanina, L.A. Vlasukovab, I.N. Parkhomenkob, J. Żukc, E. Wendlerd
aInstitute of Applied Physics Problems, Kurchatov Street 7, 220045 Minsk, Belarus
bBelarusian State University, Independence Ave. 4, 220030 Minsk, Belarus
cMaria Curie-Skłodowska University, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
dFriedrich Schiller University Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, D-07743 Jena, Germany
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The synthesis of ZnSe nanoclusters produced by high-fluence implantation of Zn+ and Se+ ions into silica is numerically simulated. The developed model is based on solving the system of the convection-diffusion-reaction equations. The ion-beam synthesized nanoclusters were identified using the transmission electron diffraction method as ZnSe nanocrystals. According to the transmission electron microscopy data, the nanocrystal density amounts to 1.15×1012 cm-2, and the mean diameter is 5 nm. The fraction of the total number of implanted Se atoms bound with Zn during the formation of ZnSe nanocrystals was counted from the transmission electron microscopy images. It amounts to ~5.6 at.%. This value was used to calculate the mean values of the radiation-enhanced diffusion coefficients in the silica. For Zn atoms DZn=1.94×10-16 cm2/s, and for Se atoms DSe=2.88×10-16 cm2/s. A comparison of simulation results with experimental data revealed a reasonable correlation.

topics: silica, ion-beam synthesized ZnSe nanocrystals, transmission electron microscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy