The ab initio calculation for Li2F and Na2F systems
Yue Wang, Bi Lv Fang, Yu Liu, De Zhi Dong, Gan Gan, Cheng Wen Zhang
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tongling University, 1335 Cuihu 4th Road, 244000, Tongling, China
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The globally accurate potential energy surface for the ground state of Li2F and Na2F systems was presented using the coupled-cluster singles and doubles excitation approach with perturbation treatment of triple excitations. Mixed basis sets were applied, aug-cc-pCVQZ for the lithium and sodium atoms and aug-cc-pCVDZ for the fluoride atom, with midbond functions (3s3p2d). In total, about 2080 points were generated for three-dimensional surfaces. Both the Li2F and Na2F molecules were confirmed to be bent at equilibrium. For Li-F-Li with an angle of 90°, the depth of the potential well is 3.87 eV at R=2a0, and the height of the barrier required to linearity with 0° angle equals 285.76 eV at R=5.6a0. For Na-F-Na with an angle of 90°, the depth of the potential well is 5.289 eV at R=3a0, and the height of the barrier required to linearity with 0° angle equals 721 eV at R=2.6a0. Our ab initio calculations of potential surface and potential energy surface were compared with the experimental results.

topics: Li2F and Na2F systems, potential energy surface, ab initio calculation, CCSD(T)