Features of Galvanomagnetic Effects in n-Ge Crystals |
G.P. Gaidar
Institute for Nuclear Research of the NAS of Ukraine, 47, Nauky Ave., 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine |
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It was shown that in weakly compensated oxygen-containing n-Ge crystals, the oxygen or oxygen-impurity complexes appearing during heat treatment play the role of statistically distributed inhomogeneities and cause an increase in the transverse magnetoresistance in the regions of classically strong and quantizing magnetic fields. It was revealed that during the annealing of n-Ge with oxygen impurity, the formation of oxygen (or oxygen-impurity) complexes is limited by diffusion of impurity atoms (primarily, oxygen atoms). It was established that the changes in the transverse magnetoresistance resulted from the thermal annealing of the n-Ge samples (with different oxygen concentrations in their volume) in the same time interval, and also from a gradual increase in the time interval in which the same sample is annealed. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.142.515 topics: germanium, oxygen impurity, thermal annealing, magnetoresistive effect |