Radiation Shielding Potentials of Rene Alloys by Phy-X/PSD Code |
Z. Ayguna, M. Aygunb
aBitlis Eren University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, 13100, Bitlis, Turkey bBitlis Eren University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Physics, 13100, Bitlis, Turkey |
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The aim of this study is to calculate radiation-matter interaction parameters of superalloys based on nickel, Rene 41, Rene 65, Rene 77, Rene 80, Rene 88 and Rene 95, which are characterized by leading features such as high operating temperatures, creep resistance, corrosion resistance, high heat resistance, low thermal conductivity and high strength. Materials with important mechanical properties should be tested for their ability to attenuate radiation. The radiation protection abilities of the alloys were obtained in a wide energy range by Phy-X/PSD code. The mass attenuation coefficients of the studied alloys were also calculated by XCOM and the obtained results were compared. Although the shielding parameters of the alloys were very close to each other, it was observed that Rene 80, Rene 88 and Rene 95 have the highest shielding abilities of the alloys. Fast neutron removal cross-section values of the alloys were also evaluated. Additionally, the dependency of linear attenuation coefficient, effective atomic number and half-value layer of the alloys on density were evaluated. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.141.507 topics: radiation attenuation parameters, Rene alloys, Phy-X/PSD |