Spatial Anisotropy of Electromechanical Coupling in Li2B4O7 Crystals |
D.M. Vynnyka, M.V. Kaidanb, A.S. Andrushchakb, B.M. Strykhaluikb
aScientific Research Company ``Carat'', 202 Stryjska Str., 79031 Lviv, Ukraine bLviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandery Str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine |
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In this research, we study electromechanical coupling coefficients in Li2B4O7 crystals. For the spatial anisotropy research, we used an algorithm to construct indicative surfaces for a particular direction of the radius vector. The indicative surfaces for electromechanical coupling coefficients in Li2B4O7 crystals have been obtained for the first time. These surfaces were constructed using piezoelectric stress constants, elastic constants, density and dielectric constants. On the basis of parameters from different articles, the directions of efficient use of Li2B4O7 crystal for acoustic devices were determined. For transverse polarization, the maximum coefficient of electrical communication is from 0.16 to 0.3, and for longitudinal polarization from 0.36 to 0.42. For fast transverse acoustic waves, the maximum coefficient of electrical communication is observed along the X1 axis, but with the slow of transverse acoustic waves, the maximum coefficient occurs on the plane X1X3 where the angle of deviation from the X3 axis is from 20.34 to 25.38 depending on the referenced articles. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.141.406 topics: the electromechanical coupling, spatial anisotropy, the indicative surfaces, Li2B4O7 crystals |