Guest-Tuned Spin Crossover in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Y. Klysko, S. Syrotyuk
Department of Semiconductor Electronics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Svyatogo Yura Sq. 1, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
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This work is devoted to the analysis of the impact of halogen impurities on magnetic properties of the metal-organic framework Fe-MOF-74. Antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states have been studied in the guest-free Fe-MOF-74. We have found that this material is ferromagnetic at low temperatures below 4 K. The halogen absorption leads to the decrease of the intrachain exchange interaction between iron atoms and the increase of the interchain exchange. As a results, we observe the increase of the Curie temperature up to 89 K in the Br2 absorbed Fe-MOF-74.

topics: metal-organic frameworks, halogens, guest-dependent magnetism, microporous magnet