Performance Analysis of FBG Temperature Sensors Based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
Shehab A. Kadhima, Firas S. Mohammedb, Ammar S. Alattarb, Aseel I. Mahmooda
aMaterials Research Directorate, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
bDepartment of Physics, College of Sciences, Mustansiriyah, University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Advanced fiber optic sensing systems are in demand for different thermodynamics applications. In this article, an optical heterodyne Fiber Bragg Grating temperature sensors based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer are presented. The system uses a Fiber Bragg Grating as a tunable element from a single laser source. The experimental results show that the experimantal setup is stable while its costs and requirements are reduced by implementing a single source laser which generates two specific wavelengths (1547.8 nm and 1550 nm). The sensitivity of the modified system is about 15 pm/°, which is larger than other traditional detection systems. Efficient setting conditions, sensitivity and optimization of the correlation coefficient - these features are significant in detecting a synthetic heterodyne group because they are responsible for fast and sensitive topographic imaging.

topics: FBG sensors, Mach-Zehnder interferometer, heterodyne detection