Laser Intensity and Matrix Effect on Plasma Parameters for CuZn, Cu, and Zn Produced by Nd:YAG Laser
Raghad S. Mohammeda, Kadhim A. Aadimb, Khalid A. Ahmeda
aDepartment of Physics, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Palestine St., 10052, Baghdad, Iraq
bDepartment of Physics, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
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The present work studies the relation of laser irradiance and matrix effect on plasma features of the CuZn, Cu, and Zn matrix. These matrices were irradiated by a Q-switched nanosecond Nd:YAG laser with the second harmonic wavelength (532 nm), and irradiance ranging from 2.1-4.8×108 W/cm2 at atmospheric pressure. The plasma parameters (Te and ne) were calculated by the Boltzmann plot and the Stark broadening methods. The results clarify no linear change in electron temperature at increasing laser irradiance for Cu and Zn plasma, except for the CuZn plasma. These fluctuations of electron temperature in those matrices are due to matrix effects. In contrast, the broadening of the line profiles related to electron density was evident with laser irradiance growth, causing an increase in electron density.

topics: laser intensity, matrix effect, plasma parameters