Reconstruction of Air-Shower Parameters through Lateral Distribution Function of Ultra-High Energy Particles |
Kadhom F. Fadhela, b, A.A. Al-Rubaieea
aDepartment of Physics, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Palestine St., P.O. Box 14022, Baghdad, Iraq bDirectorate General of Education in Diyala, Ministry of Education, Iraq |
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Scientific interest in interactions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays stimulated these simulation studies. Different hadronic interaction models (such as SIBYLL, EPOS, and QGSJET) were simulated using air showers simulation AIRES program (version 19.04.00). Also, the charged particle density of extensive air showers was calculated by estimating the lateral distribution function. Simulation of the two primary particles (iron nuclei and protons) was performed, taking into account their primary energy effect as well the zenith angle for charged particles produced in the extensive air showers, within the energy range 1017-1019 eV. At extremely high energies (1017 eV, 1018 eV, 1019 eV) new parameters were obtained as a function of the primary energy, by fitting the lateral distribution curves of extensive air showers using the sigmoidal function (logistic model). Comparison of the results showed good agreement between the values obtained with the parameterized lateral distribution sigmoidal function and the experimental results from AGASA Extensive Air Showers observatory. The comparison was made for the primary protons as well as iron nuclei, with the production of electron-positron pairs and charged muons as secondary particles at energy of about 1019 eV and θ=0°. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.140.344 topics: cosmic rays, extensive air showers, lateral distribution function, AIRES system |