Elaboration and Characterization of Carbon Dots for Hydrogen Storage
S. Boucheara, N. Bellela, L. Chetibib
aEnergy Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Exact Science, Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University, Constantine, 25017, Algeria
bNational Polytechnic School of Constantine, BP 75, A, Nouvelle ville RP, Constantine, Algeria
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In the present work, carbon nanoparticles were synthesized by using a simple and cheap procedure. These nanostructures were elaborated by the electrochemical technique under various conditions. The morphological study of the carbon nanoparticles was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The Raman, the Fourier transform infrared, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies were used to investigate the structure of the prepared nanoparticles. The identification of carbon bonds, diameter sizes, and their distribution are exhaustively discussed. Carbon structures at the nanoscale with high surface area were observed. They are active and functional to create favorable sites for different applications such as hydrogen storage, optoelectronics or photonics

topics: carbon, nanoparticles, electrochemical, hydrogen