Stresses Impact on Magnetic Viscosity During Initiation of Annealing for Fe65Co9Y6B20 Bulk Metallic Glass Below Crystallization Temperature |
M. Nabiałek
Częstochowa University of Technology, al. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Częstochowa |
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The phenomenon of magnetic susceptibility disaccommodation is one of the effects related to magnetic viscosity. This magnetic delay effect is based on the decrease, over time, of the magnetic susceptibility of a sample - the sample being previously demagnetised using an alternating current with amplitude decreasing to zero. This paper presents the results of a study into the structure and disaccommodation of magnetic susceptibility for a massive amorphous ferromagnetic alloy with soft-magnetic properties. The tests were carried out on alloy samples, both in the state following production and also after an isothermal vacuum-annealing process - at a temperature below the crystallisation temperature, but above the Curie temperature. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.139.571 topics: magnetic susceptibility disaccommodation, activation energy of elementary processes, bulk amorphous alloys, structural relaxation |