Dantec 3D Image Correlation System as a Tool for Determining Strength Properties
T. Domańskia, M. Kubiaka, W. Piekarskab, Z. Saternusa
aCzęstochowa University of Technology, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
bUniversity of Technology, 40-555 Katowice, Poland
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The presence of a notch has a decisive influence on the deterioration of the operational properties of each type of construction material. The shape of the notch and the stress distribution in the notch have an influence, in particular with high strains, on the properties of the material tested. To evaluate these properties, the static characteristics of the test material were determined for various notches. The work presents the research possibilities offered by the multi-camera 3D image correlation system. The experiment is based on non-contact measurement of displacements and deformations of axially loaded samples. The samples are made of aluminum AW-1050A. The measurement was mainly used to estimate the value of deformations and displacements at various points of the loaded cross-section. The measurement was performed by following the displacements of the properly prepared outer surface of the sample.

topics: image correlation system 3D, tensile test, deformation, displacement