Application of the Laws of Physical Statistics to Modelling of the Jet Milling Process
D. Urbaniaka, V.P. Zhukovb, T. Wyleciała, A.E. Barochkinb, H. Otwinowskia, R. Wyczółkowskib
aCzęstochowa University of Technology, Częstochowa, Poland
bIvanovo State Power Engineering University, Ivanovo, Russia
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The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in its classic form concerns the distribution of perfect gas particles into energy levels. In the paper, it was used to describe the energy distribution of ground grains of the brittle substance as a function of grain size, which allowed describing the particle size distribution of the process product. The particle size distribution of the product was identified with the effect of the grinding process, which is an extremely important parameter for the description of the entire process. The results of calculations were presented and compared with the results of experimental analyses. The experiment was carried out at different values of thermodynamic parameters of working air, which corresponded to different values of grinding energy. Comparison of the results showed that the thesis of applying the laws of statistical physics to the description of complex industrial processes gives positive results. Numerical determination of the particle size distribution of the grinding product is an extremely desirable result of research, because it allows to avoid the tedious and time-consuming experimental determinations necessary to assess the grinding product.

topics: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, particle size distribution, grinding, jet milling