Studies of Acoustic Wave Propagation when Facing Obstacle
K. Gruszkaa, A.P. Durajskia, P. Niegodajewb, A. Wawrzyniakb, R. Gnatowskab, M. Bębenb, M. Šoferc
aCzestochowa University of Technology, Department of Physics, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
bCzestochowa University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Machinery, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
cDepartment of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
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Control of flame behaviour has a number of practical applications. This task is not trivial and a rapidly growing body of research related to this subject can be recently observed. A promising solution for such a problem could be a technology utilising the acoustic waves. One may expect that the acoustic excitation characterised by the same pressure level will interact with the flame differently, when the environment configuration in flame's close vicinity changes. Hence the issue related to the propagation of the acoustic waves in the presence of obstacles is worth of interest. The paper presents results of studies taken on acoustic field propagation when the acoustic excitation is carried with and without acoustic screen.

topics: acoustic wave, acoustic screen, wave propagation, sound pressure level