Identification of Physical Characteristic of Composite Materials Produced by Additive Technology from Perspective of Selected Mechanical Properties
M. Sága, F. Bárnik, M. Vaško, M. Handrik, P. Kopas
Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic
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The aim of the paper is to present targeted experimental research of selected physical properties of composite structures produced by additive technology. The purpose is to identify optimum mechanical parameters, especially from the point of view of ultimate limit stress or long-term operational functionality. The focus is the experimental measurement on samples of polymer composite based on Onyx produced by additive technology. Onyx is a modern material based on remarkably strong nylon in combination with carbon microfibers. Its physical properties are significantly better than conventional polymers produced by 3D printing. Onyx is stronger, harder and thanks to carbon microfibers in the matrix, is more suitable for the production of components loaded by multiaxial stress in terms of mechanical properties. Standardized test samples were generated by 3D printing for the purpose of experimental measurements. Two types of 3D printing structure were used for the samples - fibers embedded at angle of ±45° and in the second case at angle of 0° and 90°. Tensile tests were performed to identify the necessary physical properties. The influence of the composite structure shape on mechanical characteristics such as tensile strength limit, Young's modulus, Poisson's number and relative strain was studied. The mutual comparison of the measurement results is clearly processed in tabular and in graphical form. The comparative study showed a significant influence of fiber orientation, the number of layers and different types of internal structures on the investigated physical characteristic. The primary object of the presented experimental measurements is the analysis of the influence of different 3D printing variants on selected physical characteristic. The obtained results will be used to define inputs for algorithmization and simulation of computational models by FEM application with subsequent optimization of structural parameters in the next research of authors.

topics: physical characteristics, composite structure, additive technology, Onyx