Influence of Long-Term Impact of Elevated Temperature on the Physical Properties of the Sanicro 25 Steel
M. Srokaa, A. Zielińskib, G. Golańskic, T. Puszczałod, J. Zacłonaa
aSilesian University of Technology, Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, S. Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
bŁukasiewicz Research Network Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, K. Miarki 12-14, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
cCzęstochowa University of Technology, Institute of Materials Engineering, al. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
dZRE, Katowice, Poland
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The X7NiCrWCuCoNbNB25-23-3-3-2 (Sanicro 25) austenitic stainless steel is one of the newest and most promising steels for applications in ultra-supercritical and super-ultra-supercritical power units. In this work, the results of tests on microstructure changes and mechanical properties of Sanicro 25 steel after long-term ageing up to 20,000 h at 700° are presented. Investigation of the microstructure was performed using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The identification of secondary phases was carried out by X-ray phase composition. Prolonged exposure to elevated temperature causes a change in strength properties due to the precipitation of secondary phases. The effect of ageing time at 700° on yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation determined at room temperature is shown.

topics: Sanicro 25, microstructure, mechanical properties, ageing