Impact of Metal Pouring Parameters on Basic Physical Processes
L. Sowa, T. Skrzypczak, P. Kwiatoń
Department of Mechanics and Machine Design Fundamentals, Częstochowa University of Technology, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
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The work concerns the use of differential equations to modelling the process of manufacturing machine parts by casting method. A mathematical model describing the course of coupled thermal and flow phenomena in the process of creating an axisymmetric casting was formulated in the paper. The system of partial differential equations has been supplemented with appropriate geometric, boundary, and initial conditions that define the physical problem under consideration. Numerical simulations of the formation of a steel casting were made, starting from the moment of filling the mould cavity with molten metal and ending with complete solidification. During pouring, the forced movement of molten metal dominates, and after filling of the mould cavity, mainly natural convective movements occur. For numerical modelling of the given task, the finite element method was used. The velocity fields were obtained from the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the continuity equation, while the temperature fields from the solution of the thermal conductivity equation. In numerical simulations, the pouring temperature and metal pouring velocity were selected in various variants so as to obtain the casting without shrinkage defects. It can be stated that choosing the right variant of pouring parameters is not easy to obtain the casting without shrinkage defects. For most cases, such a defect forms in the upper part of the casting, which we try to avoid when making machine components because this may disqualify them from further use.

topics: Navier-Stokes equations, numerical simulations, solidification