Using Physical Similarity Comminution and Sublimation Processes to Determine Energy Efficiency of Comminution
H. Otwinowskia, V.P. Zhukovb, T. Wyleciała, A.N. Belyakovb, D. Urbaniaka
aCzęstochowa University of Technology, ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
bIvanovo State Power Engineering University, 153003 Ivanovo, Russia
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Estimating the energy efficiency of the comminution process regards a limited range of particle size classes and limited type of comminution equipment. On the basis of the proposed physical analogy between the comminution and sublimation processes, a universal criterion for the energy efficiency of the comminution process was developed. Description of the comminution process and estimation of its energy is based on a phenomenological approach, using the fundamental thermodynamic characteristics of the fed materials and the Rittinger hypothesis of comminution. This description was used to analyze the energy efficiency during the comminution process of various materials conducted in different types of mills, both laboratory and industrial ones. Introduced methodology can be used to compare the comminution process of materials with different particle composition in different types of equipment.

topics: physical similarity, comminution, sublimation, energy efficiency of comminution, degree of comminution, particle size distribution, Rittinger hypothesis, milling devices