Primary Structure and Physical Properties of New Superalloys Co-20Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Nb on Cobalt Matrix
A. Tomaszewskaa, M. Kierata, G. Moskala, A. Zielińskib
aSilesian University of Technology, Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies, Z. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
bŁukasiewicz Research Network of Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, K. Miarki 12-14, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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In the study we investigated the primary structure and physical properties of the new generation of superalloys based on Co10Al5Mo2Nb type cobalt. The microstructural investigations were carried out with a scanning electron microscope on conventionally prepared electrolytically etched metallographic microsections. The studies of microstructure using a transmission electron microscope were performed using thin films. The testing of mechanical properties in the as-received condition included the performance of static tensile test at room temperature using a testing machine with a maximum load of 200 kN. These materials may replace nickel-based superalloys in the future due to their excellent properties at elevated temperatures relative to nickel-based superalloys. Currently, nickel-strengthened γ' phase steels are still unrivalled in aerospace applications. However, cobalt-based superalloys are a response to their existing limitations, which do not allow maintaining the current rate of development of aircraft engines.

topics: Co-Ni-Al-Mo-Nb, casting, primary microstructure, segregation, dendrites