Effect of Ultrafast Cooling on Pore Formation in Amorphous Titanium Nickelide
B.N. Galimzyanova, b, G.A. Nikiforova, A.V. Mokshina, b
aKazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Russia
bUdmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 426068 Izhevsk, Russia
Received: December 24, 2019; revised version February 10, 2020; in final form February 12, 2020
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Materials with amorphous porous structure are the perspective due to unique combination of their mechanical and energy-absorption properties. We perform atomistic dynamics simulations of amorphous titanium nickelide under isobaric conditions with pressure of 1 atm. Effect of cooling at extremely high rates on the formation of pores in amorphous titanium nickelide is studied. For liquid phase, we determine a vaporization temperature and equation of states. We find that the pore morphology including the average linear size of pores depends on the magnitude of the cooling rate. The porosity of this amorphous solid does not depend on such high cooling rates. This finding is in good agreement with experimental and simulation results obtained for solidification of porous Al-based alloys. The results of the present work will be useful in study of mechanical properties of amorphous metal alloys with a nanoporous structure.

topics: amorphous titanium nickelide, mesoporous structure, cooling rate, structure, atomistic dynamics