Electromagnetically Coupled Charging for Monitoring Devices near 110 kV High-Voltage Transmission Line
J. Petráš, Z. Čonka, J. Džmura, J. Kurimský, R. Cimbala, I. Kolcunová, B. Dolník, J. Zbojovský
Technical University of Košice, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia
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The possibility and efficiency of wireless electromagnetic charging near 110 kV high-voltage transmission line is studied. For monitoring devices that are used to measure various physical parameters near transmission lines or in electrical substations, it is necessary to provide sufficient power supply according to device specifications. In some cases, it is necessary to use additional back-up charging because photovoltaic panels do not provide enough power to charge the built-in battery pack during the day especially in winter season. One of the possible additional methods of back-up charging is the wireless electromagnetic charging. We propose a design of such charging system and we study the efficiency of the system as the parameter of design and distance from the transmission line. The distance above the ground was in the range between 10 cm and 200 cm for our experiments. The orientation of the coil was another parameter the influence of which on the charging system was analyzed. A model situation of such charging system is provided and modelled situation is verified by experimental measurements at power distribution network frequency of magnetic field. First approximation input parameters for design and placement of the charging system were requirements placed by overall measurement module design.

topics: electromagnetically coupled charging, high-voltage transmission line