Modelling the Fluxgate Sensors with Magnetic Field Concentrators
R. Szewczyka, A. Ostaszewska-Liżewskaa, P. Råbackb
aWarsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics, sw. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
bCSC - Scientific Computing Ltd., Tekniikantie 15a D, Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland
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This paper presents the efficiency analysis of magnetic flux concentrator attached to the core of fluxgate sensor made of amorphous alloy ribbon. Simulations were carried out using open-source software toolchain covering Netgen, Elmer FEM, and ParaView. The results indicate that the increase of the length of the core significantly reduces the demagnetization factor, which increases the sensitivity of fluxgate sensor. However, the use of magnetic flux concentrator does not lead to significant increase of sensitivity of fluxgate sensor with core made of thin layer magnetic material.

topics: fluxgate sensor, amorphous alloy, finite elements modelling