Relax-Type Magnetometer with Direct Optocoupler Relaxation
P. Lipovský, M. Šmelko, M. Fil'ko, K. Draganová, J. Blažek, J. Hudák, R. Andoga, S. Szabo
Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Aeronautics, Rampová 7, 041 21 Košice, Slovak Republic
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This article deals with the new simplified relax-type magnetometer design, which uses the measurement of the transient effects during time intervals of the sensor after the periodical saturation of the magnetic core in the sensor. The proposed design uses the unipolar power supply for the whole measurement chain and simplified electronics compared to the previous design, from which it was derived. The excitation control, measurement of time intervals, and primary signal processing is carried out by the small FPGA connected to the microcontroller. The initial testing results show that although the presented design is cheap and simple, the achievable sensitivity is better than 5 nT/LSB and the noise is less than 800 pT/√Hz at 10 Hz in the measurement range ±80μT, whereas the sampling frequency is 1000 Hz.

topics: magnetometer, relax-type, optocoupler, microcontroller