Occupational Health Safety Effect on Hospital Safety |
H. Soyal, M. Sarihan, O. Yarar
Okan University, Vocational School of Health Services, Istanbul, Turkey |
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Operations around regulations of occupational health and safety in any sector of industry turn out to be quickly processed. In this paper, we have focused on this aspect in the health sector. Particular attention was drawn on occupational health and safety including occupational safety and accidents at work, and the factors distorting the hospital security. Instead of a detailed examination of occupational health and safety or the relevant regulations, the hospital staff were consulted to shed light on safety issues. With the participation of hospital staff survey data were obtained. Any differences due to demographic properties were investigated using data analysis. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.137.579 topics: Occupational health and safety, hospital staff, hospital security |