Magnetic Properties of Interference Pulsed Laser Heated Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons
O. Czyża, J. Kusińskia, A. Radziszewskaa, M. Kącb, R. Ostrowskic
aAGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
bInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, PL-31342 Kraków, Poland
cMilitary University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland
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The influence of pulsed laser interference heating on structure and magnetic properties of Fe-based (FeSiB) amorphous ribbons is reported. This form of heating results in periodically placed laser heated micro-areas. In these, changes in microstructure and magnetic properties occur and the results are compared with those for samples after conventional annealing at 600°. Electron microscopy showed that the laser beam energy causes partial crystallization of the amorphous material, which affects magnetic properties. Magnetic hysteresis loop measured by SQUID magnetometer showed that saturation magnetization σ lowered after both treatment (i.e., conventional annealing and laser heating) in comparison to amorphous ribbons (where the range of σ was from 155 to 185 emu/g), except for FeCuSiB alloy after laser heating. Magnetic structure of all the samples was also observed by magnetic force microscopy. While no signal was detected in the as-received amorphous ribbons, conventional annealing and laser heating resulted in strong magnetic signals.

topics: FeSiB, magnetic properties, SQUID, Magnetic force microscopy, laser heating`