Hybrid Tamm Plasmon - Photonic Quasicrystal Cavity with an Organic Active Region |
K.M. Morozova, b, A.V. Belonovskiia, K.A. Ivanovb, E.I. Girshovaa, M.A. Kaliteevskia, b, c
aSt. Petersburg Academic University, Khlopina 8/3, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia bITMO University, Kronverkskiy pr. 49, 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia cIoffe Institute, Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia |
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We theoretically investigate a hybrid Tamm plasmon cavity with a quasicrystal symmetry structure. The latter is replacing the usual distributed Bragg reflector with an organic (4,4'-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1'-biphenyl) active layer. The structure of considered model consists of a SiO2/Ta2O5 optical F7 Fibonacci system, an organic active layer, and a thin silver layer on the top. Evaluation of the modal Purcell factor for the hybrid structure demonstrates significant enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate for an emitter, which is coupled with the Tamm plasmon-like states. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.136.653 topics: plasmonics, thin films, photonic quasicrystal, organics, Purcell effect |