Effect of Tantalum Substitution on Dielectric Constant of ZnSb2-xTaxO6 Solid Solution (x=0.0,0.1,0.25,0.75,1.6)
B. Sawickia, G. Dąbrowskab, E. Filipekb, T. Grońa, H. Dudaa, S. Pawlusa, P. Urbanowicza
aInstitute of Physics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
bFaculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland
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The electrical measurements of ZnSb2-xTaxO6 phases with x=0.0,0.1,0.25,0.75,1.6 have revealed insulating behavior with strongly decreasing electrical conductivity when tantalum x content is increased. As a consequence, high values of relative permittivity εr and loss tangent tan(δ) were observed, that decreased with increase of temperature and frequencies, for samples with low Ta content, below x=0.75. In turn, for samples richer in tantalum, εr reaches 14, and tan(δ) becomes as low as 0.02 for x=1.6. These effects have been interpreted either by the framework of the relaxation processes, or by the spatial charge polarization leading to the low energy loss of materials.

PACS numbers: PACS numbers: 72.80.Sk, 77.22.-d, 77.22.Gm