Ion Beam Emittance for an Ion Source with a Conical Hot Cavity
M. Turek
Institute of Physics, Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin Pl. M. Curie-Sklodowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
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The emittance of stable and short-lived nuclide ion beams produced in the conically shaped hot cavity ion sources is calculated. Changes of beam emittance with the half-life period as well as the average sticking time are under investigations. Calculations are done for different lengths of the hot cavity in order to demonstrate both advantages and drawbacks of each shape. Influence of the extraction channel geometry (its diameter and length) on the ion beam quality is studied. A scaled efficiency, ion beam brightness analogon, is used to compare different ion source configurations.

PACS numbers: 07.77.Ka, 07.05.Tp, 34.35.+a, 41.75.Ak, 41.75.Cn