Analysis of the Influence of Annealing Temperature on Mechanisms of Charge Carrier Transfer in GaAs in the Aspect of Possible Applications in Photovoltaics
P. WÄ™gierek, J. Pietraszek
Lublin University of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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The article presents the results of investigations of the mechanisms of electric charge transfer in gallium arsenide subjected to poly-energic implantation with hydrogen ions, as a potential base material dedicated for photovoltaic applications. The main objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the temperature of isochronous postimplantation annealing and the probability of electron jumping between energy levels as a function of operating temperature and to test the possibility of creating additional intermediate energy levels in the semiconductor band gap by ion implantation, which in practice could allow increase in the efficiency of solar energy conversion in photovoltaic cells made on the basis of gallium arsenide modified by ion implantation technology. The conducted research allowed to identify two additional energy levels with activation energy values of 0.17 eV and 1.1 eV.

PACS numbers: 61.72.uj, 88.40.H-, 85.40.Ry