The Assessment of the Radioactive Inventory for the Solid Wastes from VVR-S Nuclear Research Reactor Decommissioning
C. Tuca, R. Deju
Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), MG-6, Bucharest, Magurele, Romania
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The radioactive inventory of the solid wastes resulted from decommissioning of the VVR-S research reactor from Bucharest, Romania, is assessed and compared to the estimated one. The main part of the inventory is concentrated in the reactor block and hot cells. The reactor block inventory was estimated by preliminary measurements and calculation before decommissioning. The activated and contaminated structures were dismantled, cut, placed in containers and analysed by gamma ray spectrometry method. The dominant radionuclide was 60Co identified in all dismantled components. By comparison of the activities measured in 2017 with those estimated in 2012 it can be noticed a good agreement between the estimations and the actual situation. The radioisotope production generated also a significant inventory at about 10.57 Ci.

topics: decommissioning, radioactive, waste, activity, inventory