Investigation of the Effect of Curing on Improvement of Uniaxial Compressive Strength Properties by Construction Demolition Waste |
İ. Vural
Faculty of of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Sakarya University, Turkey |
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Turkey has entered in the process of urban transformation after 1999 Marmara earthquake. New buildings are being constructed to replace the structures that loosed sustainability in the disaster. Throwing the rubble of the collapsed buildings to nature would cause the environmental pollution. In addition, the enormous volume of this waste requires big stockpiles to be stored. Bearing it in mind, the Turkey Ready Mixed Concrete Association realize a project called ``Research of reusing potential of construction demolition wastes that consisted urban transformation project''. In this study kaoline clay is accepted as natural soil sample and mixed with the added construction demolition waste at different rates. The compaction test was made on prepared samples and the maximum dry density values at the optimum water content was obtained. Then soil samples compacted at the optimum water content obtained and uniaxial compressive strength test performed. The end of the experiments positive results obtained and has been determined that construction demolotion wastes are useful to improve in the clay soil formation. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.135.942 topics: construction demolition waste, soil improvement, uniaxial compressive strength |