Solid Particle Erosive Wear Behaviour of Flame Sprayed Ceramic Coatings |
E. Altuncua, K. Güzelb
aSakarya Applied Sciences University, Tech. Fac., Metallurgy and Materials Eng. Dept., 54187 Turkey bSakarya Applied Sciences University, Institute of Natural Science., Manufacturing Eng. Dept., 54187 Turkey |
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Variety thermal spray coatings are used to improve wear performance and life span of part in many industrial applications. The solid particle erosive wear mechanisms of the lamellar structured thermal spraying coatings are not still clearly understood. In this study, the wear behavior of different oxide based coatings produced using the flexicord flame spray gun developed in recent years has been investigated on many aspects. The wear rates of flame spray coatings in different composition (alumina, chromia, spinel, zirconate) and thicknesses were compared. In order to determine the effect of heat treatment on the wear performance, heat treatment was performed at 700° for 60 h and the wear rate of the coatings were measured. As a result, coating quality, thickness and composition have been found to play an important role in erosive wear behavior. It has been observed that the wear rates vary depending on the different angle of impact. Discontinuities in the coating structure, splat thickness and porosity seem to affect the wear resistance of the coating. As a result of the work, it is understood that oxide based flame spray coatings increase the wear resistance of the metallic part. Among these coatings, the best wear performance has been demonstrated by chromium oxide coatings. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.135.895 topics: thermal spray, coating, oxide ceramics, solid particle erosion |