Energy Recovery Analysis in A-Type Pressure Regulation and Measurement Stations in Istanbul, Esenyurt
M. Atmacaa, Y. Uraltaşa, A. Onata, C. Ezgib
aMarmara University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey
bBeykent University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey
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Converting energy sources into electrical energy is as important as gaining energy. After producing natural gas, which is one of the most common energy sources and classified as fossil fuel, it is sold by the natural gas and petrol companies to the world by compressing it in the compressor stations. Gas companies compress incoming gas which is lost in the pipeline into 35-75 bar equal to the loss rate and transfer it to the A-type pressure regulation measurement stations. In these stations, natural gas that enters with high pressure is reduced to 12-19 bar by throttle valve. This process happens using the Joule-Thomson effect. Hence, no energy is produced in this process. There is a big waste of producible electrical energy in this situation. In this work, turboexpander which is suitable for radial type variant flow has been considered to be used instead of throttle valve at the stations. In this work, A-type pressure regulation measurement station in Esenyurt yearly gas values, inlet and outlet gas pressure values, inlet and outlet temperature values were searched and gained electric energy value was searched in case of installing turboexpander to this station.

topics: pressure regulation measurement station (RMS), turbine, energy, efficiency