Off-Plane Adjustment for Waveguide in Woodpile Structure
Bin Yan, Zhifang Feng, Tingting Fu
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, China
Received: November 3, 2016; in final form February 22, 2017
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Waveguide is an essential building block of integrated optics. Using finite-difference time-domain method, waveguide in woodpile structure, which the dielectric constants for background media and dielectric rods are 1.0 and 9.0, is designed, analyzed, and simulated. Since, woodpile structure has periodical property in stacking direction, off-plane adjustment is considered. Our results show that the guide band can be also effectively adjusted by varying dielectric constant and lattice constant of layers located at the upper and lower of waveguide. For the single layer adjustment, the band width is from 0.41[c/a] to 0.44[c/a] when constant dielectric is 6.0. While it can be also from 0.43[c/a] to 0.46 [c/a] for the double layer adjustment.

topics: woodpile structure, waveguide, finite-difference time-domain method