Changes in Bornite (Cu5FeS4) after Heating in Air: Mössbauer Effect Study |
M. Kądziołka-Gaweła, Z. Adamczykb
aInstitute of Physics, University of Silesia in Katowice, 75 Pułku Piechoty 1a, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland bInstitute of Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland |
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The phase transitions and structural behaviour in natural bornite sample were investigated after heat treatment in air in a temperature range of (180÷500)° using high-resolution Faraday, X-ray diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy studies. X-ray diffraction and the Mössbauer spectroscopy results show that polymorph phases can exist only at high temperatures, and at a temperature of 220° a process of decomposition of bornite structure starts. Hematite is a main Fe-bearing phase and Cu is located mainly in cooper oxides present in the sample after annealing at 500°. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.134.1044 PACS numbers: 76.80.+y, 91.60.-x, 88.10.jn |