Mössbauer Studies of Surface Modified Magnetite Particles |
U. Klekotkaa, E. Wińskaa, D. Satułab, B. Kalska-Szostkoa
aInstitute of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, K. Ciołkowskiego 1K, 15-245 Białystok, Poland bFaculty of Physics, University of Bialystok, K. Ciołkowskiego 1L, 15-245, Białystok, Poland |
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The Mössbauer spectroscopy was used for the characterization of room temperature magnetic properties of magnetite/maghemite nanoparticles, in respect of surfactant. The studied nanoparticles were obtained using various types of surface stabilizers in order to see if the application of different surfaces substances has an influence on the magnetic response of nanoparticles core. Nanostructures were fabricated by co-precipitation of iron(II) and (III) chlorides in ammonia solution. Five types of organic acids were used for the stabilization of nanoparticles. Obtained nanoparticles were structurally characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Room temperature magnetic behavior was analyzed on the base of conventional and in field (1.3 T) Mössbauer spectroscopy. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.134.1003 PACS numbers: 61.10.Nz, 75.47.Lx, 75.50.-y, 76.80.+y, 75.50.Tt, 82.70.Uv |