Electron Spin Dephasing in a Double Quantum Dot Canceled via a Magnetic-Field Gradient
M. Gawełczyka, b
aDepartment of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
bDepartment of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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Phonon-assisted tunneling of electrons between nonidentical quantum dots in a magnetic field has been recently shown to be affected by a spin pure dephasing. The process is due to the mismatch of the Zeeman splittings caused by the difference of effective electron g-factors in the two dots. Based on both analytical estimation and an accurate numerical modeling of a double quantum dot system, we show that this dephasing can be canceled by applying an appropriately tuned magnetic-field gradient that compensates for the built-in inequality of the Zeeman splittings.

PACS numbers: 85.75.-d, 03.65.Yz