Fermionic Moore-Read Fractional Chern Insulator in the Thin-Torus Limit
B. Jaworowski, P. Kaczmarkiewicz, A. Wójs
Department of Theoretical Physics, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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We investigate a fermionic Thouless pump in the Rice-Mele model at half filling of the lower band. Such a system can be regarded as a 1D limit of a 2D flat-band Chern insulator. We consider two kinds of model interaction, a two- and three-body one. We show that both of them lead to the emergence of Moore-Read-like states provided that the energy scale of the interaction is small compared to the band gap. However, when the interaction is stronger, the two types yield different results: while for the latter the Moore-Read-like state is stable, in the former case it is destroyed by the band mixing.

PACS numbers: 73.43.-f, 03.65.Vf