Dismantling of the VVR-S Nuclear Research Reactor Vessels |
R. Deju, D. Gurau, A. Zorliu, M. Mincu
Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, 077125, Romania |
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Starting with 2010 and until 2020, the VVR-S nuclear research reactor from Magurele, Romania, is in the decommissioning process. The reactor aluminum assembly contains the internal vessel which represent the main component of the reactor. In order to identify the optimum technological methods of dismantling and cutting, the initial radiological characterization of the reactor vessel was conducted. Modern methods like plasma jet, diamond wire cutting, shredding with a Brokk 160 demolition robot were used in this process. Safety aspects for optimizing radiation protection of operating personnel were analyzed and innovative solutions were identified. The lessons learned from the reactor vessels dismantling were presented. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.134.300 topics: decommissioning, dismantling, reactor vessel, radiological characterization and monitoring |