A Novel Vibration Sensor Based on Bidomain Lithium Niobate Crystal
I. Kubasov, A. Kislyuk, M. Malinkovich, A. Temirov, S. Ksenich, D. Kiselev, A. Bykov, Y. Parkhomenko
National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Leninskiy prosp. 4, 119049 Moscow, Russia
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A novel piezoelectric vibration sensor based on lithium niobate single crystal with bidomain ferroelectric structure was studied. Sensitivity to acceleration of the order of 0.03 V/g (g=9.8 m/s2 is acceleration of gravity) was measured at resonant frequency. Due to high Curie point, weak temperature dependence of piezoelectric coefficients of lithium niobate and absence of glue layer in the construction, the bidomain LiNbO3-based sensor is able to withstand more than 450°.

topics: vibration sensor, lithium niobate, bidomain crystal, sensitivity to acceleration.