Low Background CdWO4 Scintillation Detector |
D.V. Kasperovycha, F.A. Danevicha,b, V.V. Kobychev a, B.N. Kropivyansky a and A.I. Tymoshenko a
aInstitute for Nuclear Research NAS Ukraine, pr. Nauki 47, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine bCSNSM, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Univ. Paris-Saclay, Batiments 104 et 108, 91405 Orsay Campus, France |
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Low background scintillation setup has been developed that exhibits 3 orders of magnitude lower counting rate of a large volume (2.1 kg) CdWO4 detector in the energy region 0.5-2.6 MeV, and one order of magnitude above 3 MeV. The background reduction was achieved by application of radiopure passive shield, active plastic-scintillation muon veto placed above the setup and pulse-shape discrimination. Construction of additional plastic scintillation counters is in progress to reduce the residual cosmic muons background. The setup can be applied to develop radiopure scintillators, measure radioactive contamination of materials, carry out small scale low counting experiments. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.892 PACS numbers: 29.40.Mc, 29.30.Kv |