Optical Properties of LiNbO3-Ag Nanocomposites
I. Bolesta a, M. Vakiv b, V. Haiduchok b, O. Kushnira, A. Demchuk a, S. Nastyshyn a and R. Gamernyk c
aIvan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies, Department of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies, 107 Gen. Tarnavskogo Str., 79017 Lviv, Ukraine
bScientific Research Company "Electron-Carat", 202 Stryjska Str., 79031 Lviv, Ukraine
cIvan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Physics, Experimental Physics Department, 8 Kyryla and Mefodiya Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine
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The article presents the experimental results of the investigation of the absorption spectra and nonlinear refraction of the metal-dielectric nanocomposite that contains the lithium niobate pyroelectric crystal coated with the silver nanofilms on its surface. The atomic force microscopy surface research of these crystals with and without films are also provided. The nanowidth silver films impact on optical spectra and nonlinear refraction of LiNbO3-Ag nanocomposite was analyzed depending on the sign of the side charge of the crystal, that contain nanofilms.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.763
PACS numbers: 68.37.Ps, 71.45.Gm, 81.40.-z, 42.70.Mp