Enhanced Thermoelectric Power Factors in the Ce(Ni1-xCux)2Si2 and CeNi2(Si1-yGey)2 Alloys |
K. Synoradzkia,b, T. Tolińskib, M. Koterlync,d
aInstitute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, Poland bInstitute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland cInstitute of Physics, Kazimierza Wielkiego University, Bydgoszcz, Poland dWestern Scientific Center, of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, L'viv, Ukraine |
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In the presence of hybridization of the f states with the conduction electrons Ce-based compounds can show large peaks in the temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient, which makes them interesting materials for applications. The Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity of the bulk, arc-melted, single phase samples of Ce(Ni1-xCux)2Si2 and CeNi2(Si1-yGey)2 alloys were measured over the temperature range of 2 K to 300 K. All the samples exhibited a positive Seebeck coefficient, which reaches up to ım50μV/K at 150 K and it can be shifted up to 300 K by appropriate doping. The thermoelectric power factor, PF = S2/ρ, reached a maximum of 1.4× 10-3 Wm-1K-2 at 290 K and 1.1× 10-3 Wm-1K-2 at 110 K for x=0.25 and y=0.75, respectively. For selected representatives of the studied series thermoelectric properties have been measured up to 1000 K. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.366 PACS numbers: 72.15.Eb, 72.15.Jf |