Magnetic Separation of Graphite and Magnesia
C. Uyeda and K. Hisatoshi
Institute of Earth & Space Science, Graduate school of Science Osaka University Toyonaka Osaka 560-0043 Japan
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An ensemble of graphite and magnesia particles was successfully separated into different groups of materials by translating them in an area of magnetic field produced by a NdFeB magnetic-circuit. The absolute value of diamagnetic susceptibility |χdia| was 2.6×10-7 emu/g in magnesia; Previously the separation of diamagnetic grains was possible in materials with |χdia| values above 5×10-7 emu/g. Terminal velocity observed in a area outside the magnetic field in the magnesia particles having different mass between 0.12 to 0.35 mg, converged to a constant value 1.27±0.05 cm/s; The value was consistent with a theoretical value based on a simple conversion: rule between magnetic potential and kinetic energy assumed in the particles. Similar result was obtained for the graphite particles. The technical improvements introduced in the present study to translate the MgO particles can be applied to realize magnetic separation of diamagnetic materials in general.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.694
PACS numbers: 75.90.+w